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Okabe & Haushalter


19 Apr, 2023
Okabe & Haushalter

Anyone can be a victim of physical abuse. However, it’s not uncommon for victims to be those who might not feel comfortable coming forward and reporting the abuse they have experienced. This might be because their abuser is someone who has power over them. For example, an elderly resident of a senior care home who […]

Field trips are a common way for schools to provide students with hands-on learning experiences outside of the classroom. However, accidents can happen during field trips. No parent wants to think about the possibility of their child being injured in an accident. That said, if your child is hurt on a field trip, in California, […]

15 Feb, 2023
Okabe & Haushalter

Uber and Lyft have become immensely popular services because they offer a convenient means of reaching one’s destination when other options are unavailable or aren’t practical. Additionally, scheduling a ride with one of these services can theoretically boost one’s safety in certain instances. For example, if you’ve been drinking, scheduling a ride with Uber is […]

As a parent, watching your child get hurt can be one of the most devastating experiences. If the injury occurred during recess at school, you may be wondering whether you have any legal recourse. In California, the answer to that question depends on the specific circumstances of the injury. Taking Legal Action in California When […]

16 Nov, 2022
Okabe & Haushalter

Ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft have become a popular transportation option for many people in the United States. However, like any form of transportation, there is always the risk of accidents or attacks occurring. In this blog, we’ll take a look at how common Uber and Lyft attacks are in the United States, and […]

17 Oct, 2022
Okabe & Haushalter

Sexual assault is a traumatic experience no one should ever endure. Unfortunately, the effects of this experience can impact a victim’s life long after an assault has occurred. This isn’t meant to suggest victims of sexual assault can’t move forward and live healthy, happy lives. It’s simply meant to highlight the major consequences of this […]

The availability of Uber, Lyft, and other such ridesharing services can theoretically boost one’s safety in various circumstances. For example, perhaps you’ve had more to drink than you planned to after a night partying with friends. If you know you have the option to easily schedule an Uber or Lyft, you might be less inclined […]

17 Aug, 2022
Okabe & Haushalter

Los Angeles and the surrounding areas are home to numerous universities. Now that a new school year is in session, many students attending these schools will be spending most of their time on campus. Although they will likely venture off campus from time to time to explore our region, because campus is where all of […]

A student at California’s Huntington Beach Union High School District has taken legal action against the district after being stabbed on school grounds by another student. On the day of the attack, the victim had been at a track team practice. After practice ended, she left the school grounds for approximately 45 minutes but returned […]

17 Jun, 2022
Okabe & Haushalter

When you have been accused of any crime, hiring the right attorney to represent you is critical. Being convicted of a crime can have a significant influence on your life for years to come. You need to optimize your chances of resolving your case in a manner that minimizes the negative consequences you may face. […]

Our intimate romantic and sexual partners tend to be the people with whom we are most vulnerable. Thus, when they commit acts of physical violence against us, the pain we endure as a result can be remarkably difficult to cope with. Have you been the victim of physical violence at the hands of an intimate […]

13 Apr, 2022
Okabe & Haushalter

A school should be a relatively safe environment for students. Unfortunately, although many teachers and school administrators do work hard to ensure students are not treated improperly at school, there are instances when students are victimized because those responsible for protecting them have been negligent in some capacity. School negligence can take a variety of […]