Okabe & Haushalter
Call Today!310-543-7708
Okabe & Haushalter

Los Angeles Sex Crimes Attorney

Los Angeles Sex Crime Lawyer

You Need A Powerful Defense Strategy: Call 310-543-7708

Lifetime sex offender registration, jail or prison time, fines, probation, and a ruined reputation – just a few of the consequences of a sex crime conviction in California. The state is especially severe upon sexual offenders, and those convicted will experience devastating effects in their personal lives, careers, and future opportunities.

Why hire us to defend you?

  • We handle numerous high-profile cases and can bring the same level of advocacy to your case.
  • We never assume our clients to be guilty and provide one-on-one attention.
  • We are backed by countless courtroom victories and satisfied client testimonials.
  • We provide our clients with free, no-risk case evaluation.

In light of such serious penalties, you cannot wait to retain a powerful defense if you were arrested for such a crime. A criminal defense attorney at Okabe & Haushalter can help if you have been accused of any type of sex offense, no matter how hopeless your case may seem.

Call Okabe & Haushalter at 310-543-7708 and request a FREE CONSULTATION. We are ready to help 24/7.

Aggressive Defense Against State Or Federal Sex Offenses

An experienced Los Angeles sex crime attorney at our firm can review the particular circumstances surrounding your sex crime charges to determine how we can best represent you. Often a case may be based primarily on the alleged victim’s testimony or recollection of events. When physical evidence is lacking, your lawyer can use this to your benefit in ensuring that your guilt cannot be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt in court. We have experience in defending a broad variety of sex crime cases throughout Los Angeles and South Bay. We understand that your reputation and your freedom are on the line, and we will fight to protect those things.

Common Sexual Offenses

Our firm handles sex crime charges throughout Southern California, including those that involve:

California Penal Code Title 9 – Sex Crimes Against The Person

California sex crimes are primarily detailed in Title 9 of the penal code. This title is named “Crimes against the person involving sexual assault, and crimes against public decency and good morals.” Everything from rape to child pornography is detailed in this title of the penal code. Although not an exhaustive list, below we’ve listed out the most common sex offenses and where they are found in the penal code. To learn more about each offense, such as the penalties, click on the link to be directed to the California Codes.

Penalties for a Sex Crimes Conviction in Los Angeles

It goes without saying that the penalties for a conviction of a sex crime in California, regardless of what type of crime has allegedly been committed, are particularly harsh. Any person found guilty of the sex crimes we mentioned above will likely face significant penalties related to a felony offense, which could result in the following:

  • Time in state prison
  • Probation
  • Significant fines
  • Mandatory counseling
  • Lifetime registration as a sex offender

Aside from these statutory penalties, we do need to point out that having a sex crime on your criminal record can be detrimental to your future. When a person conducts a background check on you, not only will they see that you have been convicted of a crime, but they will see what type of crime. Sex crime convictions carry a stigma, and those convicted of these crimes are even more unlikely to find a job, adequate housing, or be able to attend school than those with other types of convictions.

Additionally, the sex offender registry in California places a significant burden on the person convicted. Any person on the sex offender registry will have to check in with the local law enforcement continually, and their information will be made public. This includes information about where they live, work, what vehicle they drive, their current photo, and their charges. Any person on the sex offender registry will find it more difficult to find or maintain employment.

We Know How To Fight Sex Crime Charges

Sex crimes cases can be very complicated to prove, as in many trials much of the evidence rests upon “he said, she said” testimony. In other cases, some of the evidence was unlawfully obtained, which violates the defendant’s rights. In such circumstances, we will fight to have this illegally gained evidence suppressed before the court. Every trial is different, but many cases can be fought with similar defenses:

  • Accuser lied about consensual sex: Sometimes an alleged victim will lie to their friends, families, or significant others and claim that they were sexually assaulted in an attempt to avoid embarrassment, shame or to protect their reputation in some way.
  • The accuser is in a custody dispute with the defendant: Sadly, there are many cases in which one parent will falsely accuse the other of molestation or inappropriate and sexual behavior with the children as a way to gain the upper hand in family court and achieve full custody.
  • Extortion: The alleged victim may accuse the defendant as a way to profit financially. These situations not only target celebrities but also employers or those involved in extramarital affairs.
  • Leading the witness/accuser: Children are very easily influenced, and many false charges have been brought against innocent defendants because these young people were led in their testimonies. In some cases, an adult interviewing or questioning the child does not realize they are tainting the child’s testimony, but other times parents, teachers, or investigators may lead the child by asking such questions as “He touched you there, didn’t he?” or convince the child that an innocent hug was actually something inappropriate.

Share Your Side Of The Story: Call 310-543-7708 Now.

No matter what charges you face, California law is harsh on those accused of sex crimes. Not only do prison terms and fines apply, but even a minor sex crime conviction, such as indecent exposure, will result in mandatory registration as a sex offender, which is a lifetime label. This will affect your ability to get work, loans, and professional licenses and may even dictate where you live and work. Fight to avoid the harsh penalties that come with a sex crime conviction; contact our team at Okabe & Haushalter today!

For more information about the sex crime cases we handle, please visit our dedicated sex crimes defense website which goes into a detailed explanation about how our team approach can help with your sex crime case in both state and federal courts.