Indecent exposure is a lesser sex crime charge that still carries harsh penalties if you are convicted. A Los Angeles sex crime attorney at Okabe & Haushalter can serve to protect your rights and help you obtain an acquittal or dismissal of charges if you have been accused of this crime.
Typically, a misdemeanor offense, indecent exposure, may be charged as a felony if the offender has previous convictions on his or her record. This means you could face up to a year in county jail or even more time in state prison. A defense lawyer who is experienced and capable will be able to review your charges and determine how to best defend your case – helping to ensure you are found not guilty or that you receive alternative sentencing rather than jail time.
Okabe & Haushalter is a Los Angeles criminal defense law firm whose attorneys are experienced in dealing with complex sex crime cases throughout the South Bay and all of Los Angeles. We understand that now, more than ever, you will need aggressive representation by an attorney who can effectively assert your rights and help you avoid a conviction. You may face sex offender registration for an indecent exposure conviction, and this means that you may be labeled as a sex offender for the rest of your life.
Exposing one’s sex organs or breasts in public, with the intention of causing arousal, shock, or offense, is defined as indecent exposure per California law. This excludes exposure that occurs in an adult or sexually oriented business where it is part of the person’s job description or at certain beaches where nudity is accepted. Assisting or procuring another to expose their genitalia or breasts is also a criminal offense. Indecent exposure is punishable by:
In order to prove that you are guilty of indecent exposure, it will be necessary for the prosecution to establish with full certainty that you intended to offend those around you or that you were engaged in the action in order to arouse or gratify yourself or others sexually. Simply being unclothed, such as changing into a swimming suit, does not necessarily constitute indecent exposure. It is vital to avoid a conviction for indecent exposure because, in addition to criminal penalties such as jail time, fines, and probation, you will also be subjected to 290 registration, meaning that you will be registered as a sex offender for the rest of your life.
By working with an experienced lawyer, you can avoid these harsh penalties and move on with your life. Contact a Los Angeles indecent exposure attorney to discuss your case.