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Okabe & Haushalter

International Depositions & Discovery

International Depositions and Discovery

Certain high-profile crimes may require gathering evidentiary support from other countries. This can be accomplished through foreign depositions and discovery, where individuals overseas may be deposed to provide the necessary evidence, information, or testimony. During the ‘discovery’ period, the criminal defense attorney will prepare for the trial by gathering important documents, depositions, and any physical evidence. This evidence is essential in a criminal case as it’ll serve the defense counsel as a foundation for the trial.

Obtaining overseas evidence

Although gathering the necessary evidence abroad may be a difficult and complicated process, it’s also a key element of a criminal case involving foreign countries. It all depends on your attorney’s level of influence. An experienced international criminal defense attorney is familiar with foreign laws and knows how to navigate them with ease. This is very important as United States courts can’t request information from an individual or organization in a foreign land that may not want to cooperate. Some nations are willing to collaborate, while others may ignore such requests or view them as threats. International criminal law attorneys know how U.S. laws, as well as international laws and regulations, can work in your favor.

Okabe & Haushalter can help you cross this difficult bridge and accommodate all your needs in the process. Based on the evidence collected, our attorneys will have your criminal charges either reduced or dismissed.

Taking depositions abroad

There are various methods employed when taking depositions in a foreign land. Whether at the attorney’s office, by phone, or any at another place the parties agree on, these depositions must be done right and someone authorizes must administer all important oaths. Depositions in some foreign countries are taken before a United States consular official. This generally happens at U.S. Embassies and Consulates.

International cooperation

When a witness is unwilling to provide evidence, the criminal defense attorney will ask the foreign government to intercede on their behalf by forcing the witness to cooperate with evidence. The way This is usually handled by using letters rogatory. This a simple way to request assistance from the foreign government where they will ask witnesses or any other individuals to cooperate in the exchange of information such as important criminal evidence.

Get results with us

At Okabe & Haushalter, our attorneys know how to properly conduct an international criminal investigation. They are familiar with international laws and will be able to negotiate with foreign officials and prosecutors on your behalf and gather the necessary evidence. Our attorneys are internationally recognized for their zeal and commitment to representing high-profile clients from all over the world.

Getting involved in an international investigation can be complicated. You need an attorney who is well-versed in international criminal laws to protect your rights. If you are facing criminal charges and undergoing an international criminal investigation, contact our firm today and schedule your initial consultation.