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Okabe & Haushalter

Victim Representation

Los Angeles Victim Representation Attorney's Civil Legal Help For Crime Victims in California

Recent recovery - $2.6 Million for a client who suffered sexual abuse

Innocent people become victims of crimes every day in Los Angeles. Many of these victims, or their families, believe that there is nothing that can be done after the perpetrator’s criminal case has concluded and may feel that they have not been given the restitution they deserve. Fortunately, crime victims can pursue civil cases against the perpetrator in an effort to recover compensation for the damages they have suffered. If you or a family member has been victimized by a criminal act, a Los Angeles victims representation attorney can provide you with assistance in taking swift legal action.

Los Angeles Victim Representation Poster
Victims of the following crimes may take civil action

Crimes And Property Negligence

If a property owner or manager fails to take the necessary steps to protect visitors from criminal activity on the property, the owner or manager can be held financially liable for any damages that a person may sustain as a victim of a crime. This includes crimes that occur on properties such as gas stations, fast food restaurants, convenience stores, apartment buildings, bars, hotels, dorm rooms, and parking garages.

We’re also ready to assess the following claims

What is a Los Angeles Victim Representation Attorney?

Victim representation attorneys help those who have suffered due to criminal activity. A victim has a right to bring a civil suit against their perpetrator whether or not there is a criminal case being pursued.

Violent crimes happen every day. In the last reporting year, the Department of Justice estimated that more than 1.2 million violent crimes occurred nationwide:

  • 68.2% of reported crimes involved aggravated assault
  • 22.3% of criminal activity included a form of robbery
  • 8.2% of violent crimes were for reported rape
  • 1.4% of criminal activity can be attributed to homicide

At Okabe & Haushalter, we fight for our client’s rights by aggressively representing their best interests in civil court.

Our Victim Representation Attorneys in Los Angeles Will Help You Seek Justice

Our violent crimes attorneys have a long track record of success. We have helped the victims of numerous types of criminal activity, including:

  • Uber & Lyft attacks:
    While ride-sharing services are convenient, they can leave people vulnerable and exposed to physical and sexual assault, battery, and kidnapping.
  • Limo & taxi attacks:
    Limo and taxi services often boast of their comprehensive background checks. Generally, they are considered safer than most ride-sharing services. Unfortunately, some customers are brutally attacked or otherwise harmed by the actions of these drivers.
  • Sexual assault victims:
    Sexual assault can take many forms, including:

    • Rape
    • Attempted rape
    • Unwanted sexual touching or molestation
    • Forcing a victim to perform a sex act
  • Child pornography victims:
    When a child is exploited and abused for the production of pornography, the effects are devastating. Victims can pursue those that produced the content, shared or distributed the media, downloaded, and purchased it.
  • Physical abuse victims:
    Abuse can take many forms. When a person suffers ongoing bodily injury, pain, and impairment due to physical abuse, they have a right to recover damages in civil litigation.
  • Child molestation victims:
    When a child suffers sexual abuse of any kind, the emotional and psychological trauma can last a lifetime.
  • School negligence:
    Every school has a duty to provide a safe environment to its students. If your child has sustained an injury due to negligence or been victimized by harassment and abuse, our victim representation attorneys can help.
  • University & college sexual assault victims:
    When sexual harassment, abuse, and assault happen on college campuses, the matter of jurisdiction can be complex. In many cases, the school itself has the right to pursue or not to pursue charges against the perpetrator. However, a victim is entitled to file a civil suit against their assailant.

At Okabe & Haushalter, our experience is not limited to the above list. If you are the victim of a crime and have suffered injuries, you may be entitled to compensation. Call and schedule a free consultation today.

What Will an Attorney do to Help?

The goal of a Los Angeles victim representation attorney will revolve around ensuring that you, as the victim of a crime in this area, receive closure and restitution for what happened. Our team regularly seeks compensation for a variety of expenses on behalf of our clients. This can include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Coverage of any medical bills related to the wrongdoing
  • Payments for pain and suffering losses you have endured
  • The replacement of any damaged or destroyed property
  • Possible punitive damages against the offender

The total amount of monetary compensation available in these situations will vary depending on the facts and circumstances surrounding each particular case. Additionally, our team understands that no amount of money can erase the fact that you have gone through a horrific experience. However, monetary compensation can help victims of crime and their family members get through this difficult period of time.

The California Crime Victims Compensation Fund (“CalVCP”) has been established to help victims of violent crimes receive restitution. This fund is paid for by restitution fines that are levied on all criminal defendants in this state. Violent crime victims are entitled to compensation out of this fund in instances where there is no defendant subject to a restitution order. In order for a person to be eligible for this type of restitution, they must have reported the crime to the police and cooperated with law enforcement officials throughout the investigation. Additionally, the victim must not have participated in the crime for which they are seeking restitution.

Will You Have to Testify?

Our team will strive to help ensure that your privacy is maintained throughout your entire case. As the victim of a crime, we will do our best to keep you from having to give a deposition or answer questions under oath in front of the offender if this is something that you do not want to do. However, there are times when witnesses and victims could be compelled to testify in court. The good news is that there are several ways to ease the stress of cooperating and testifying with prosecutors and law enforcement officials when you have been the victim of a crime. Our goal is to protect you, ideally from both the media and the public. Our victim representation lawyers in Los Angeles have extensive experience handling these matters, and we are ready to get to work on your behalf immediately.

Contact Okabe & Haushalter for Your Los Angeles Victim Representation Lawyers

High-profile criminal defense cases deserve major league legal representation. Do not take chances when it comes to choosing the right lawyer.

Our victim representation lawyers in Los Angeles will protect your rights and fight to recover the compensation you need to move on with your life. To learn more about how our compassionate and dedicated legal team can help, contact Okabe & Haushalter and schedule a free consultation to discuss your case by clicking here or calling 310-430-7799.