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Okabe & Haushalter

Los Angeles Sex Offender Registration

290 Sex Offender Registration In L.A.

Los Angeles Child Pornography Defense Attorney

One of the most common consequences included in a conviction for a child porn offense in California is mandatory registration as a sexual offender. Under Penal Code 290, which is also known as the Sex Offender Registration Act, an individual convicted of committing a sex crime will be required to register as a sexual offender as long as they live, work, or attend school in the state, and the registration is typically mandatory for the rest of the offender’s life.

Convictions that most commonly include mandatory registration include most types of the following crimes:

  • Rape
  • Sexual battery
  • Sexual acts with or against a minor, including child pornography, pimping and pandering, aggravated sexual assault or continuous sexual assault, and incest
  • Forced sexual acts, including oral copulation, penetration with a foreign object, sodomy
  • Indecent exposure

The Duties Of Registration

If you are convicted of a sex crime, you will have to register with your local law enforcement agency within five workdays of your release from your sentence, jail or custody, or your discharge from a hospital or a mental institution. Once the court requires that you register, they will notify the Department of Justice (DOJ) which will monitor your compliance with the laws of registration.

The minimum requirement is that you update your information every year within five days of your birthday, but the reporting requirements can be increased based on a number of factors. You will have to report to your local law enforcement agency more often if you move, if you are transient, if the judge decides that you are a violent sexual predator, or if you are employed by or enrolled in a California college or university.

What Is Megan’s Law?

In recent years, the state legislature passed Assembly Bill 488, which is more commonly referred to as Megan Law. This law can have a serious impact on most types of sex offenders, as the information required for registration will be made public over the internet. The Megan’s Law website will display the personal information of the offender, including their name, photo, physical identifiers (weight, height, hair and eye color, tattoos, scars, etc.), and the offense that caused them to be included in the sex offender registry. The inclusion of the offender’s address depends upon the specific crime they were convicted of and if they have been convicted of any prior sex crimes.

The Impact Of Sex Offender Registration

A conviction for a child porn offense will greatly impact your life in a number of ways; beyond fines, incarceration, and counseling, you will also be forced to live as a registered sex offender. This penalty will follow you wherever you go, like potential employers, landlords, and even your friends and partners can find your information on the Megan’s Law site. Failure to register can also result in harsh consequences and further incarceration. If you are charged with a sex crime, you cannot wait to retain powerful advocacy for your case.

Enlist The Defense Of Okabe & Haushalter

Our team at Okabe & Haushalter is dedicated to providing the people of Los Angeles with the knowledgeable and aggressive defense needed to fight against these serious allegations. Enlisting our talented attorneys for your case ensures that your rights will be protected and you will receive smart representation during your trial. Our firm has defended countless clients against charges of child pornography, and we are prepared to fight for you. Your case will benefit from our vast knowledge and understanding of the law, and our many years of experience in the courtroom.

You can be confident that our effective attorneys will serve you with excellence, and we will create a compelling and comprehensive defense to challenge your charges. Your future and freedom are on the line, which is why you cannot trust your case to a public defender. Call Okabe & Haushalter today to enlist the relentless advocacy you deserve!