Prostitution, exchanging sex or sexual activity for money, is illegal in California. If you are convicted of this offense, you may face time in jail, fines, probation, community service, and possible registration as a sex offender. Second, third, and subsequent offenses carry enhanced penalties.
Have you been arrested for a prostitution-related offense in Los Angeles or the South Bay area? Contact a Los Angeles sex crime lawyer at Okabe & Haushalter and find out how we can help. You may be charged with prostitution even if no money was actually exchanged or if no sex acts were performed. Simply agreeing to give or receive sex for money may be enough for a prosecutor to charge you with prostitution, and you will need a lawyer on your side to defend your rights. What if an undercover law enforcement officer entrapped you into offering money in exchange for sexual activity? What are your rights in this case? A defense lawyer at our firm can answer your questions and can help you use this to your advantage.
Prostitution is generally defined as any sexual act which is offered, accepted, or performed in exchange for money. Both the “prostitute” (the person accepting money for sexual acts) and the “john” (the person offering money for sexual acts) may face criminal charges.
(Note: specific penalties will vary depending upon the particular offense as well as the jurisdiction)
Although prostitution is “only a misdemeanor offense,” the consequences of a conviction are far-reaching. Your reputation may be permanently damaged, and you may be required to register as a sex offender.
At our firm, we are criminal defense attorneys committed to defending clients who have been arrested or charged with a crime in Los Angeles. We believe that every individual has the right to be treated fairly throughout the criminal process, and we have set out to help ensure that occurs. When you work with a defense attorney at our firm, you can rest assured that we will provide you with the best legal representation in Los Angeles.
There are a number of defenses a lawyer at Okabe & Haushalter can utilize in order to help secure an acquittal if you have been accused of prostitution. Some such defenses include:
By conducting a thorough investigation of every aspect of your case and charges, we can determine how we can best help you. Contact a Los Angeles prostitution defense lawyer to talk about your case.