If you are facing child pornography charges in Los Angeles, there is a possibility that you may face enhancement penalties under particular circumstances. A defense lawyer at Okabe & Haushalter can review your unique case in order to determine whether you may be at risk of facing enhanced charges and, therefore, increased penalties.
Consulting with Okabe & Haushalter is the best thing that you can do in the wake of allegations of this offense or after an arrest. Not just any attorney will be able to effectively defend your rights against child pornography charges, particularly when enhancements are involved. You need a defense attorney with the particular experience and expertise in this area of law that is necessary to protect your interests.
At our firm, we have precisely what our clients need. When you work with a defense lawyer at our firm, you will benefit from our experienced and aggressive representation while at the same time benefiting from our dedicated, one-on-one service. Through the life of your case, your lawyer will guide you through this complex legal process and protect your rights to the utmost extent of our abilities.
Contact the Los Angeles, CA, child porn defense attorneys at Okabe & Haushalter to learn how we can aggressively fight your charges.