Okabe & Haushalter
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Okabe & Haushalter

Los Angeles DCFS & Child Custody Attorney

DCFS & Child Custody

Our Los Angeles Domestic Violence Attorneys Can Assist You

When there is a domestic violence allegation or arrest in a household with children, the state of California make take swift, decisive action to protect those children from what it believes may be a volatile situation. When this happens, the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) could become involved and seriously disrupt your family’s living arrangement and both parents’ legal access to your children. In these circumstances, it may be necessary to retain legal counsel well-versed in both criminal and family court matters.

At Okabe & Haushalter, our trusted, aggressive Los Angeles domestic violence lawyers understand the challenges and dilemmas that domestic violence suspects face. Just a mere allegation of this type of crime is enough to throw a family into upheaval and careful legal navigation is required to ensure that the matter is resolved as favorably and efficiently as possible.

If you or your family are facing issues with DCFS as a result of a domestic violence matter, our firm is ready to hear your story. Call us at 310-543-7708 today.

What Will Dcfs Do?

If there had been a domestic violence allegation or arrest at your home that you share with children, the DCFS and law enforcement can both take action to ensure the safety of a child. How they proceed can vary based on the circumstances and the severity of the incident but, in many cases, there may be suspicions that child abuse or sexual abuse of a minor has occurred or could occur.

When there is a domestic violence matter at your home, DCFS can:

  • Interview your child and other family members about what happened
  • Assign a temporary in-home caretaker to assist children and parents
  • Place a restraining order on the accused parent
  • Advise that the other parent/significant other also file a restraining order
  • Remove your child and place them with an available parent
  • Remove your child and place them with available relatives
  • Remove your child and place them in a foster home (or group home)

Because the well-being of a child may be at risk, DCFS is known to take aggressive, preventative action against families once there has been a domestic violence accusation or arrest. The accused in these cases often not only need their rights and reputation protected in criminal court but also need their parental rights and capabilities asserted in family court, as well. Domestic abuse charges can dramatically change a parents’ child custody arrangement and the accused in these cases need advocacy on multiple fronts to see that these matters are resolved in the best interests of everyone.

Do you have child custody concerns following your domestic violence arrest? Use our online form to request a free case evaluation today.