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Okabe & Haushalter

Los Angeles Orders Of Protection Lawyer

Defense For Orders Of Protection

Orders Of Protection Attorney In Los Angeles

A victim of domestic violence may seek out a restraining order or an order of protection in order to get law enforcement’s and the court’s help in avoiding further abuse. This is a court order that restrains the alleged abuser from any further acts of violence or from contacting or coming within a certain distance of the victim. If a person violates an order of protection, law enforcement’s initial response is usually to make an arrest and ask questions later.

If you have had an order of protection issued against you, or if you have been arrested for violating an order of protection, you will need a defense lawyer on your side that can help protect your rights. Don’t let your future become at risk because you have been labeled an abuser due to an order of protection. You still have rights, and a Los Angeles domestic violence defense attorney can serve to protect those rights.

About Orders Of Protection

When an order of protection is in effect, this can have the following effects on the alleged abuser:

  • Cause him/her to have to move from his/her shared residence with the alleged victim
  • Prohibit the abuser from contacting the alleged victim in any way
  • Prohibit any further abuse, including attacking, striking, hitting or pushing the victim
  • Prohibit the abuser from coming within a certain distance of the alleged victim
  • Order the alleged abuser to attend mandatory counseling or anger management
  • Prohibit the abuser from carrying, possessing, or purchasing a firearm

Los Angeles Order Of Protection Defense Attorney

Consult an order of protection defense lawyer if you have been served an order of protection. We offer a free consultation to discuss how a lawyer at our firm may be able to help you. We defend orders of protection for clients accused of or arrested for domestic violence throughout all of Los Angeles.

Have you been accused of domestic violence, spousal abuse, or child abuse? Contact a Los Angeles order of protection attorney at our firm today!