Okabe & Haushalter
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Okabe & Haushalter

Los Angeles Prescription Drug Crimes Attorney

Illegal Prescription Drug Charges

Los Angeles Prescription Drug Crimes Attorney

While many people currently use prescription drugs, it remains that many of them can be obtained and used illegally, resulting in charges being brought against you. If you are facing prescription drug charges, a Los Angeles drug crime attorney can help you determine what your rights are and how you can fight to protect your freedom. Mark Haushalter and Ryan Okabe of Okabe & Haushalter work diligently on behalf of their clients to develop an effective defense that can help obtain a possible reduction of charges, dismissal, or an acquittal if your case goes to trial.

A conviction for possession, use, or drug trafficking in prescription drugs can result in serious penalties, including jail or prison time, large fines, as well as possible mandatory drug rehabilitation counseling. The risks are great, so you need an attorney on your side who knows the drug laws and can seek the best possible outcome in your case. As former prosecutors, our legal team knows the techniques the prosecution will use to attempt to convict you and can look for any weaknesses in their case.

Types Of Prescription Drug Crimes

Some of the drugs involved in illegal use include:

  • Oxycontin
  • Vicodin
  • Dilaudid
  • Percocet
  • Oxycodone

Using false prescriptions to obtain these drugs, outright theft from a pharmacy, or reselling prescriptions to others can all lead to severe consequences. If at all possible, it is vital to avoid a criminal record that can impact the rest of your life. With our help, you can count on an aggressive and dedicated approach to your defense. Contact our office immediately to discuss the circumstances of your case so that we can begin to investigate and establish a sound defense on your behalf.

Contact a Los Angeles prescription drug crimes lawyer from the firm for knowledgeable legal representation for your prescription drug charges.