Don’t take any chances if you are facing bank fraud charges! Consult a Los Angeles federal criminal defense lawyer at Okabe & Haushalter to see how a lawyer at our firm can work to protect your rights even in the face of these serious criminal charges.
A bank fraud conviction may result in a prison sentence of up to 30 years and a fine of up to one million dollars. Defrauding a federally insured bank is an offense that is taken extremely seriously by federal agencies, and no expense will be spared when prosecuting an individual charged with this offense. For this reason, it is vital that you consult a Los Angeles bank fraud defense attorney as soon as possible – one who has experience in defending cases in federal court.
Our firm was founded with the intention of defending clients who were facing criminal charges. Regardless of the seriousness of the crime our client is facing or the penalties associated with that offense, our attorneys will fight to the end to defend their rights. This particularly comes into play in regard to bank fraud offenses. In these cases, our clients have everything to lose. As such, we work to thoroughly investigate their bank fraud charges in order to provide a tailor-made plan of defense that is constructed in such a way as to stand up against even the most aggressive prosecution in federal court.
Working with a Los Angeles bank fraud defense lawyer at our firm will give you the opportunity to see how we can make the law work for you in your favor.
Bank fraud may be committed in a number of ways. Some of these include the following:
Regardless of the specific bank fraud charges you may be facing, a Los Angeles federal defense lawyer at our firm may be able to help.
Contact a Los Angeles bank fraud defense attorney at our law firm today!