Although computer hacking sometimes has a bad reputation, not all hacking is done for malicious purposes. In fact, some hackers work to help prevent internet crime and internet fraud by locating weak points in computer and internet systems so they can be fixed.
If you have been accused of computer hacking and are facing criminal charges, you will need an intelligent Los Angeles internet crimes defense attorney on your side who can work with you to help you avoid a conviction. Because computer hacking charges involve highly technical information, law enforcement and prosecutors may not fully understand what was involved in the criminal offense and you may thus face charges for crimes that you did not actually commit.
By working with a skilled internet crimes lawyer at our firm, you have a legal professional on your side who understands the charges you are facing and can help locate forensic evidence that proves your innocence or a lack of foundation for the prosecution’s case against you.
Some charges that our firm can help you with, as related to computer hacking, include:
If you are being investigated in regards to a computer hacking charge, or if you are currently facing any type of criminal charges involving an internet crime, it is important to consult a Los Angeles computer hacking defense lawyer as soon as you can. Our lawyers can begin working to defend your rights so you can avoid maximum penalties. Because of the nature of internet crimes, you may potentially face state and/or federal charges and penalties – and you will need an aggressive, competent defense lawyer at your side who can be effective even against federal prosecutors.