While the court of law may be more lenient towards minors, focusing on rehabilitation rather than punishment, a wrongful conviction in a juvenile criminal case can destroy the life of the young person. Appealing a conviction in juvenile court requires that you request a rehearing. This request is filed in juvenile court, not the appellate court. The request must be carefully drafted and have all the supporting documentation and evidence that a wrongful conviction or unfair trial took place. The legal team at Okabe & Haushalter has extensive experience in juvenile court and can help you determine how to move forward in seeking a reversal.
A criminal conviction in juvenile court can be a very serious matter, affecting the young person for years into the future. With a criminal record, no matter how serious the offense, it will affect future opportunities. Employers do not look favorably on job candidates who have a criminal record given the choice between an individual with a criminal record and an individual without one, the employer will pick the individual with a clean record. If you or your child were convicted of a crime and you believe the trial you were unfair or biased in any way, it is very important to contact a Los Angeles juvenile defense lawyer immediately.
At Okabe & Haushalter, we know just how detrimental an unjust ruling can be on a young person’s life. Our attorneys are very familiar with the juvenile court system as well as appellate courts and can assist in the effort to have an unfair verdict reversed. The first step is to request a review of the conviction, and this process should be carefully and professionally managed if you hope to have success. Call our firm at once, as any appeal must be filed in a timely manner.
Contact a Los Angeles criminal appeals attorney if you would like to appeal your sentence.