Okabe & Haushalter
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Okabe & Haushalter

Los Angeles Whistleblower Attorney

Companies have a duty to keep an accurate set of books, pay taxes, pay their employees, provide a safe environment, provide safe products to consumers, and the list goes on. However, some companies or persons within the company choose to break the law.

If you are aware of illegal activity happening at your place of business, you have the right to file a report. If you have blown the whistle on your employer and are afraid of retaliation, there are state and federal laws that can protect your rights.

At Okabe & Haushalter, our Encino and LA whistleblower attorneys have the experience and skills to help you assert your rights. If you are considering or have already reported illegal activity by your employer, let us guide you through the process. Contact us for a free consultation of your case today by calling 310-543-7708.

What is a Whistleblower?

If you are an employee and witness or become aware of illegal doings, you can file a report. For example;

  • Your company might be falsifying its books
  • Upper management or your co-workers may engage in shareholder fraud
  • A knowingly faulty product is released to the public
  • Evading taxes or falsifying documents to avoid paying taxes

If you discover fraud that affects the government, you may have a qui tam fraud case. Contact our Encino & LA qui tam fraud attorneys immediately.

What Are Some Common Types of Whistleblower Claims?

Fraud can take many forms. Some of the more common types of whistleblower cases involve;

  • Mortgage fraud
  • IRS fraud and tax evasion
  • Overbilling Medicare
  • Overbilling Medicaid
  • Health care fraud
  • Defense contract overcharges
  • Violation of workplace safety
  • Environmental crimes
  • Financial reform violations
  • Food safety violations

Can My Employer Retaliate?

You have a right to report illegal doings at your place of work. There are a few whistleblower protections, including;

  • Whistleblower Protection ACT
  • Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act
  • Enhancement of Contractor Protection from Reprisal
  • False Claims Act
  • Whistleblower Ombudsman

Despite the legal protections, an employer may try to retaliate. It would take an unlimited number of resources to watch every business for retaliation, so the government relies on the employee to report retaliation.

If you have reported illegal activity at your place of work, keep watch for these tactics:

  • Harassment and discrimination
  • Termination
  • Failure to pay overtime, illegal confiscation of your tips
  • Denying breaks
  • Cutting hours or switching hours to different shifts maliciously

Let Our Encino & LA Whistleblower Attorneys Help You Today

At Okabe & Haushalter, our Encino and Los Angeles whistleblower attorneys have extensive experience. Our dedicated staff has the skills, knowledge, and resources to fight for your rights. Okabe & Haushalter is one of the nation’s top litigation firms. Most whistleblower lawsuits are settled out of court. If you have reported or intend to report your employer fraud or other illegal activities, you need the best litigators at your side. Let us protect you from retaliation. Contact us for a free consultation of your case today by clicking here or calling 310-543-7708.