Okabe & Haushalter
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Okabe & Haushalter

International Criminal Defense Attorney

International Criminal Defense Lawyer

Okabe & Haushalter Can Ensure Your Rights Are Protected

Aggressive and Comprehensive High-End International Criminal Defense

We live in a global society where people travel throughout the world for business and pleasure. With countless people constantly entering or leaving the country on a daily basis, borders can often become blurred. However, not every country has the same type of justice system. What may be considered a simple misdemeanor charge in the United States could be considered a very serious crime in another country. Getting arrested can be a scary experience–especially when you are traveling abroad. If you do not know the laws of a particular country, you could be facing severe penalties. Even worse, your rights may have been violated without your knowledge. It is vital to have a team of experienced high-end international criminal defense attorneys in your corner committed to protecting your rights and always looking after the best interests of each client.

Why More People Choose Okabe & Haushalter For High-Profile International Criminal Defense

Not all criminal defense attorneys are the same. Many are not qualified or lack the knowledge and skills to represent clients in foreign countries. Choosing the wrong legal professional can bring disastrous results. Over the years, international criminal defense attorneys Ryan T. Okabe and Mark J. Haushalter have successfully represented clients in some of the most complex criminal cases abroad and in the United States. Based in Los Angeles, we represent high-end clients from throughout the world for the following types of cases.

  • Child pornography defense
  • Assault and battery
  • Computer crimes
  • Domestic violence
  • DUI Defense
  • Federal crimes
  • Internet crimes
  • Juvenile crimes
  • Sex crimes defense
  • Weapons charges
  • White collar crimes

Our team of international criminal defense attorneys travels throughout the world to represent clients who face some of the most serious and complex criminal charges. Although many United States attorneys are not allowed to practice in foreign courts, we can provide valuable legal assistance for U.S. citizens and foreign nationals by organizing a comprehensive strategy to assist with foreign legal counsel to ensure each client is treated fairly and placed in the best position to succeed.

Why More People ChooseOkabe & Haushalter

What is international criminal law?

Being involved in an international criminal law case can be one of the scariest things a person may experience. You go from having fun on vacation to being stuck in a foreign jail cell. You may not even speak the language or understand why you are there. In short, international law is when a person commits a crime in a different country and is charged. The crime involves several countries, which is why it is deemed international. Typically, if you commit a crime, it will be dealt with at the state level. Well, when you are traveling internationally, the rules change, and you will be charged as an individual, and laws work very differently all across the globe. Due to that fact, you will need an international criminal defense lawyer who can navigate international law and get you back home safely.

International Extradition

You may have heard of extradition before, and by definition, this means that one country is sending a person who is wanted for a crime back to another country. Many countries have extradition treaties in place so that this process goes smoothly. Keep in mind not all countries do which can be good or bad depending on your circumstances. Treaties will outline which laws are worth extraditing a person for.

International Discovery and Depositions

When you are facing charges in another country, you will need an international criminal defense lawyer who knows how to gather evidence abroad. Without evidence, there is no case, and an attorney must be able to prove your innocence through evidence. This process is extensive and can be complex, with language barriers and different legalities to consider. At some point, depositions may need to be taken, which can be crucial to winning your case and achieving a favorable outcome.

Post-Conviction Issues

If a conviction is made, there will be several post-conviction details to handle. You should work alongside your international criminal defense lawyer to get the best. There may need to be prison transfers and prison transfer treaties to navigate. There are also possibilities for appeals, which can be daunting. The goal is to have your charges reduced or your case dismissed.

Even if you are not completely satisfied or confused about the process, you will need to trust your international criminal defense lawyer. The last thing anyone wants is for you to spend your life in a foreign jail. International crimes are typically high profile and require a certain level of discernment and experience to get the best results possible. Trust Okabe & Haushalter with your case.

Who Do We Represent?

The U.S. justice system is based on innocence until proven guilty. However, not every country abides by those same ethics. Many of the rights often taken for granted by American citizens are often overlooked or simply ignored by other foreign governments. Our job is to fight to protect the rights of each client. The international criminal defense attorneys at Okabe & Haushalter represent high-profile clients whom governments are attempting to extradite to and from the United States and its territories. From the moment we take on a new client, our legal team immediately begins working on building your case. We take pride in working diligently in the courtroom and behind the scenes to ensure our clients achieve the best possible results.

Prosecution for International Crimes

When it comes to prosecuting international crimes in the United States, you will look no further than the Department of Justice. You may still have to deal with possible extradition, and it is likely that the prosecution will be carried out in the United States.  As with any case, you will need to discuss the details of your case with an international criminal defense lawyer.

When it comes to high-end international criminal defense, do not take chances with your legal representation. Do your homework. To learn more, contact our international criminal defense law office in Los Angeles and take the first step toward resolving your legal problems. Schedule a consultation today.