Okabe & Haushalter
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Okabe & Haushalter

San Francisco Domestic Violence Attorney

The number of charges against domestic violence has increased lately. If you or someone you know and care for has been charged for any kind of domestic violence, your best and only option is to seek professional help. San Francisco Domestic Violence Attorney will help you build an effective and strong defense case. If the police get involved, your chances of getting without a charge are very small, even if the person you violated drops the charges, the police may still file charges against you.

Your job is to remain silent when the police arrive at the scene, as anything you say may be used against you in the court of law. Besides your basic information, tell them that you wish to call an attorney, and then give us a call. We will represent you and come to your aid immediately.

Why hire an experienced defense lawyer from our firm?

Our attorneys have decades of combined experience. They have helped thousands of clients regain their freedom, and won many cases that seemed lost. Domestic Violence Attorneys are highly educated and experienced in building a strong and effective case, and have all the needed resources to help you win your case. They will help you clear your name, and help you avoid getting your name in the criminal record. Pick up your phone and call today to schedule a free initial consultation. The first consultation is completely free of charge, and you will receive a free case evaluation. Let us hear your side of the story, and tell us everything that happened, even the slightest details. Don’t get intimidated by the charges presented before you. With a strong team of attorneys at your back, you have all the help you need to overcome this and move on with your life.

Things we deal with

Being accused of domestic violence in the state of California is considered to be a serious violation. You are facing felony and criminal misdemeanor charges. Domestic violence includes the following:

  • Spousal abuse
  • Neglect
  • Emotional and psychological abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Shaken baby
  • Child abuse
  • DCFS & Child Custody
  • Restraining orders
  • Appeals

If you need help with any of the above listed, please don’t hesitate to contact our attorneys immediately. The penalties for domestic violence most of the time include serious fines, anger management, jail time as well as a state prison sentence.

Schedule a free case review today!

You are running out of time. Act immediately, pick up the phone and call one of our offices to schedule your initial free consultation with one of our Domestic Violence Attorneys in San Francisco. We are ready for you, and will immediately start working on your case once hired. We will provide you with a free case review, and tell you what your best options are. Again, do not speak to any of the law enforcement officers; say nothing without the presence of your attorney, as anything you say may influence the result of your case.