Okabe & Haushalter
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Okabe & Haushalter


Recently, US Senators Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, and Chris Van Hollen sent a letter to the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) asking that the regulatory agency review its policy and procedures regarding company insiders who trade stock in their companies pursuant to 10b5-1 plans. The senators want the SEC to implement further […]

17 Feb, 2021
Okabe & Haushalter

It is about that time again: Tax Season! Taxation is a complicated venture. There is a reason we hire professionals to complete our taxes. There are so many codes and variations on how to complete taxes, particularly if you are someone with multiple assets. The over-complicated nature of taxes can have people scratching their heads […]

Developing land in LA county takes a monumental amount of paperwork, meetings, private and governmental, red-tape, more meetings, and merely waiting for someone to sign a piece of paper to get the work completed. When a government official interferes and abuses his power to line his own pockets, he or she will put the developer […]

18 Dec, 2020
Okabe & Haushalter

In the 90s, I remember a hilarious movie that seemed to capture the essence of feeling unfulfilled in your career and turned mundane tasks into comedy gold. “Office Space” has become a cult classic and has no shortage of memorable one-liners.  Even the infamous Bill Lumbergh has become a popular meme, “Yeah… That’d be great.” […]

12 Nov, 2020
Okabe & Haushalter

Capitalism is the American way. Our culture believes that individuals have the freedom to do what they want, which means they have the ability to climb the financial ladder should they choose to do so. Everything is a business, from schools to health care. There is a bill to be paid. Sometimes accounts get misconstrued, […]

12 Oct, 2020
Okabe & Haushalter

Embezzlement is more than just simple theft. Embezzlement is known as employee theft and includes the act of somebody wrongfully appropriating funds that have been entrusted to their care but are actually owned by somebody else. The most common type of embezzlement is conducted by employees, but there are others with fiduciary responsibilities that can […]

If you have been arrested and charged for a crime, this can be an incredibly scary experience. This is particularly true if you honestly have no idea why you have been arrested or charged. When this happens, many people instinctively want to talk to law enforcement officials or prosecutors in an effort to clear their […]

17 Aug, 2020
Okabe & Haushalter

Getting convicted of a sex offense in California often results in a person being required to register as a sex offender. This can have a detrimental effect on a person’s future, even after they have served time in prison. Whereas most people released from prison can begin to try to rebuild their lives, those on […]

Everyone understands that law enforcement officials take DUI charges very seriously. When people think of intoxicated driving, they think of somebody impaired by alcohol. However, residents in the Los Angeles area can also be charged with DUI for driving under the influence of marijuana. Many people ask how police officials and prosecutors are able to […]

With the current COVID-19 pandemic, and with so many people recently being under stay at home orders, there have been significant changes to most individuals’ normal way of life. As a result, this has caused an increase in reports and claims of domestic violence. Unfortunately, many people do live with truly abusive people. However, we […]

There is no denying that the coronavirus pandemic has significantly altered the way that we go about our daily lives, especially as most of us have been under stay at home orders. Unfortunately, this has led to an increase in reports of domestic violence. Many people are having to spend more time with truly abusive […]

Many people have one rule when it comes to drinking and driving – that they will not operate a vehicle if their blood alcohol content (BAC) is above the legal limit of .08%. While this is a laudable goal, we urge our readers not to stick with such a stringent baseline. Our Los Angeles DUI […]