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Okabe & Haushalter

Rolling Hills Teacher Misconduct Attorney

Rolling Hills Teacher Misconduct Lawyer

Teachers are helping to raise the next generation of lifelong learners, and in most cases, they work tirelessly to help enrich the lives and minds of their students during the school day. Unfortunately, not every teacher adheres to their profession’s codes of ethics and conduct, and when a teacher engages in misconduct it can leave a lasting—even permanent—mark on the psyche of the student they have wronged. If you or a loved one has been victimized by a teacher or other faculty member while on campus, we urge you to speak to a teacher misconduct lawyer in Rolling Hills today. The attorneys at Okabe and Haushalter are experienced in handling civil cases and have offices located conveniently throughout Los Angeles County to serve you.

Sexual misconduct by teachers

Sexual misconduct is one of the most talked-about news items related to teacher misconduct that people see today. When a teacher engages a student in an inappropriate (and often illegal) sexual relationship, they do a great deal of damage to that student even if they do not leave any physical scars on their person. This form of sexual abuse can skew a young person’s emotional wellness, leading to psychological trauma that may take years of therapy to address—and those therapy bills add up over time.

Other forms of teacher misconduct

Sadly, teacher misconduct does come in many forms. Teachers who physically or verbally abuse their students are equally as atrocious as those who engage in sexual misconduct with students, as are teachers who neglect their students by denying them academic enrichment by locking them away in a closet as punishment for poor behavior. Unfortunately, cases of teacher misconduct are far from rare, and often the misconduct is allowed to continue due to negligence on another staff member’s part. For example, if a teacher discovers that their fellow teacher is engaging in misconduct but failed to report it to authorities, that teacher could be considered negligent, and as such, could be held liable in civil court for contributing to the continuation of the misconduct. Similarly, if school staff are informed of suspected misconduct but do not pursue an investigation or take any disciplinary action against the teacher engaging in the misconduct, then the school itself could be held liable for damages resulting from the misconduct in civil court.

Okabe and Haushalter can represent your school misconduct case in civil court

If you need a teacher misconduct lawyer in Rolling Hills, the attorneys at Okabe and Haushalter can assist you in civil court. We will fight to get your family the financial compensation you deserve, and we will keep you informed of your legal options at every step along the way. We have earned our reputation for providing our clients with courtroom excellence, and we want to put our civil litigation skills to work for your family so you can get the justice and the closure that you yearn for. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.