Okabe & Haushalter
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Okabe & Haushalter


Those convicted of sex offenses in California or elsewhere in the United States often have to register as sex offenders in their respective jurisdictions. If they move, they have to abide by the sex offender registry requirements of the jurisdiction they are moving to. A recent high profile case highlighted the dangers of not registering […]

14 Feb, 2020
Okabe & Haushalter

It has been hard to turn on the news over the last month without seeing stories about disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. Weinstein has been accused of sexual assault or rape by more than 90 women and has been on trial for the rape of two women over the last month. At Okabe & Haushalter, […]

15 Jan, 2020
Okabe & Haushalter

Those who have been charged with viewing or distributing child pornography are vilified in the media. People always ask in the aftermath of an arrest, “Why didn’t they get help?” One answer to that could be that getting help can result in legal problems. At Okabe & Haushalter, our knowledgeable and experienced Los Angeles child […]

16 Dec, 2019
Okabe & Haushalter

Most people have heard the phrase “sexting” by now, but they may not have a complete understanding of what it means and how it can get somebody in trouble with the law. “Sexting” is a combination of the words “sex” and “texting,” and has become something that happens across age groups. Generally, this refers to […]

20 Nov, 2019
Okabe & Haushalter

When it comes to understanding sex offender requirements, it can be confusing. This is especially true due to various jurisdictions around the state implementing different rules. At Okabe & Haushalter, we have extensive experience in this area of law and work to defend those who have been charged with sex offenses. Our Los Angeles sex […]

15 Oct, 2019
Okabe & Haushalter

If you or someone you care about has been charged with possessing or distributing child pornography, please seek legal assistance today. These charges are serious, and you will need a skilled legal team to help you through this. At Okabe & Haushalter, we are ready to get to work on your behalf. We know these […]

17 Sep, 2019
Okabe & Haushalter

If you or a loved one are facing a sex crime charge, you need to seek legal assistance as soon as possible. These crimes are taken very seriously by the police and prosecutors, and you need to secure an attorney who will get to work immediately. At Okabe & Haushalter, we have the knowledge and […]

Getting charged with any crime is a scary time for the person being accused. In the US, all people accused of crimes are innocent until proven otherwise, but with certain charges, that presumption seems to have been thrown out the window. At Okabe & Haushalter, we believe in the accused’s right to a vigorous defense. […]

12 Jul, 2019
Okabe & Haushalter

Sex crimes are sensational and the national media clamors for these stories. Even the local news runs constant updates on local women and men arrested for sex crimes. At Okabe & Haushalter, our qualified and experienced team understands the pressure a person is under if they are facing sex crime charges. We are ready to […]

15 Jun, 2019
Okabe & Haushalter

When you hear about crimes, it is usually through the nightly news. The stories all start the same, usually with a headline that gets your attention and then with a picture of the mugshot. If it is a sex crime, everyone assumes guilt. However, you probably never think you will need a Los Angeles sex […]

Sex crimes against minors are taken seriously in Los Angeles. Anyone who finds themselves facing child pornography charges is starting at a severe disadvantage due to the tactics used by prosecutors and law enforcement. Today, we want to discuss these cases and highlight a recent plea made by a former LAPD detective. At Okabe & […]

23 May, 2019
Okabe & Haushalter

In the United States of America, we have a particular legal system that allows us to remain innocent until proven guilty. It is so important to remember because often when we are accused, we start to feel guilty when we did nothing wrong. Think about it. Think about the last time you were wrongly accused. […]