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Okabe & Haushalter

Tag: Los Angeles sex crimes defense attorney

State Senator, Scott Wiener, recently proposed Senate Bill 233 (SB 233) as a statewide measure to protect sex workers who are victims of violent crimes. Sex workers frequently end up as crime victims because perpetrators know that sex workers often do not report violent crimes for fear of being prosecuted for the crime of being […]

9 Feb, 2019
Okabe & Haushalter

We know that the “Me Too” movement has heightened awareness of sexual harassment as well as more serious allegations, particularly in the entertainment industry. In most cases, the person accused of harassment or something worse is usually a man. One thing is certain, the old ways of doing things and sweeping accusations under the rug […]

Being arrested for soliciting a prostitute or prostitution in California can be a very embarrassing experience. For many of those caught soliciting a prostitute or engaging in sexual activity for payment, an arrest may seem like the end of their career and even life. Those charged with solicitation or prostitution have many concerns after their […]

11 Mar, 2010
Okabe & Haushalter

An Anaheim man is in police custody after luring a minor into a hotel and raping her. The suspect, 33-year-old Matthew Martinez Casteneda, allegedly used the social networking site MySpace to convince the 12-year-old girl to meet him at the South Coast Plaza mall in Costa Mesa. According to Anaheim police, Casteneda took the girl to […]