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Okabe & Haushalter

Manhattan Beach Internet Crimes Attorney

Manhattan Beach Internet Crime Lawyer

In today’s world, the internet is both our playground and our workplace. Unfortunately, it can also be a place where a person can be accused of committing a crime. Many criminal offenses once relegated to the real world are now able to be committed online. The internet makes being charged with a criminal offense easier than ever before, and the penalties these crimes carry if convicted are just as serious as their “real life” counterparts. If you have been charged with an online crime in Los Angeles County, contact an internet crime lawyer to discover more about your options as a defendant under the law.

Common internet crimes

All sorts of crimes are now a part of being online. The internet has put a new face on many familiar criminal offenses.


Crimes like bank fraud or insurance fraud can now be committed online as well. Using the internet to defraud a bank or insurance company is a serious criminal offense in terms of both state and federal laws. The penalties for online fraud are just as severe as their real-life counterparts and could result in years behind bars and steep fines if convicted.

Phishing and identity theft

Using the internet to commit identity theft is more common than ever. Whether you are accused of hacking into a network to obtain the personal data of people you were not authorized to access to or you are accused of having set up a website designed to deceive people into providing their data to you under false pretenses, you could be charged with identity theft and prosecuted accordingly.

Harassment and stalking

Although stalking was once defined as following or harassing someone repeatedly and maliciously either in person, by mail or by phone under California Penal Code 646.9, the law now recognizes that harassment and stalking can also involve the internet. These charges can be either misdemeanors or felonies depending on the circumstances surrounding the alleged crime.

Illegal downloads

Illegally downloading music or downloading materials that are illegal to possess for other reasons are serious internet crimes. For example, downloading copyrighted materials such as music or books without paying for them violates copyright infringement laws, and downloading pornographic materials featuring minors is a federal offense and could mean prison time and sex offender registration if convicted.

Okabe and Haushalter can represent you in court

You have the right to a defense in court, and if you are facing criminal charges in the greater L.A. area, an internet crime lawyer in Manhattan Beach is just a phone call away. The attorneys at Okabe and Haushalter are criminal law specialists, and they can defend you against the internet crimes you are alleged to have committed. We have the knowledge and experience to provide our clients with courtroom excellence no matter how serious the charges they face. We can walk you through the legal defense process every step of the way and will stand up for you in court so your case results in a satisfactory outcome. Contact us today for a free case assessment.