Okabe & Haushalter
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Okabe & Haushalter

Rolling Hills Rape Defense Attorney

Rolling Hills Rape Defense Lawyer

Rape is a serious crime in the state of California, and being accused of this crime can have devastating effects on your life and well-being. The fear of facing penalties like incarceration are further compounded by the potential for alienation from family and friends that such charges can bring about. However, you have the right to a defense in the courtroom, and being charged with a crime does not take that right away. If you are facing rape allegations, you need a competent and knowledgeable attorney by your side in the courtroom. If you would like to speak to a rape defense lawyer, contact the attorneys at Okabe and Haushalter.

State laws governing the crime of rape and its penalties

Under California Penal Code Section 261, rape is defined as sexual intercourse that is accomplished without mutual legal consent. Although rape is often thought of as a violent crime, many rape allegations do not involve force or fear, but rather, come about due to the way consent is defined under the law.

The question of consent

Consent may seem like a straightforward concept, but in some cases it can be anything but. For example, if two people who are both intoxicated by alcohol or other substances verbally agree to have intercourse with one another, their agreement cannot be considered legal consent due to the fact that intoxication impairs judgment, and one or both parties could be committing rape. In another example, if a person is deceived into believing that another party is someone other than who they actually are (i.e., a person claims to be his brother to his brother’s wife and has intercourse with her), an act of intercourse between these parties could be considered rape as well.

We can take on any rape defense case

There are several types of rape outlined under the California Penal Code, and each of them carries a different penalty if convicted. Our attorneys are capable of handling any type of rape case, including:

  • Rape by force or threat
  • Spousal rape (felonious under California Penal Code Section 262)
  • Date rape and acquaintance rape
  • Rape by deceit

Sex offender registration in California

Anyone who is convicted of the crime of rape in California will be compelled to register as a sex offender under California Penal Code Section 290. Registration involves making your personal details—name, address, and specific criminal charges—available to local law enforcement agencies, nearby schools, and the general public.

Okabe and Haushalter can defend you against rape charges

If you need a rape defense lawyer in Rolling Hills, the attorneys at Okabe and Haushalter will be glad to help with your case. Our knowledgeable and experienced criminal defense specialists can fight for you in court so that your side of the story can be heard. We are known for our assertive defense tactics that get solid results for our clients in the courtroom, and that has earned us our reputation for providing our clients with courtroom excellence. We will keep you informed every step of the way, and we will work tirelessly to get the best outcome possible for your case. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.