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Okabe & Haushalter

Torrance Internet Crimes Defense Attorney

Torrance Internet Crimes Defense Lawyer

In this day and age, the internet is woven into every aspect of our lives. We use the internet at work and at home; it is embedded into our phones and our television sets. There is hardly a single aspect of modern life that is untouched by the internet, and this includes the realm of crime. As the internet’s influence on our daily lives has grown stronger over the years, the penal codes have adapted to include various online crimes. Being accused of committing an internet crime can be an intimidating experience, but a good defense attorney can help you learn more about your options in the courtroom. If you need an internet crime defense lawyer in Torrance, contact the attorneys at Okabe and Haushalter today.

Common forms of internet crime

Although some online crimes are unique to the internet age, other crimes that may be committed online are simply “old” crimes being committed using a new medium. We can defend our clients against any online crimes they stand accused of, including the following:


Hacking a computer, network, or software is illegal under both state and federal penal codes. People charged with computer hacking may be prosecuted in either a federal or state courtroom. Penalties for people convicted of hacking vary widely and depend on the type of computer, network or software that was illegally accessed and what was done with the information obtained during the alleged illegal access.

Child pornography-related crimes

People who are charged with downloading or distributing child pornography online could face serious penalties if convicted, including prison time and mandatory lifelong registration as a sex offender, as well as large fines. For legal purposes, child pornography is defined as any form of material (including digital media) depicting a person under the age of 18 engaged in a sex act or depicted in such a way as to be designed to sexually arouse the viewer.


Harassment is another crime that can be committed not only in person, via phone or by mail, but also online. For example, someone accused of repeatedly contacting another person via a social media platform in a malicious or threatening manner could be charged with harassment or stalking under California Penal Code Section 646.9, a crime that carries jail time and fines as penalties if a conviction is made in court.

Okabe and Haushalter can represent your case in court

If you are facing one of these charges, speak to an internet crime defense lawyer at Okabe and Haushalter. We have a well-earned reputation for providing clients with courtroom excellence. Our team of attorneys is internet crime defense experts, and we can put our legal know-how to work for you in court. We know that each legal case is as individual as the person being accused of a crime, and we will handle your case by taking a respectful, informative approach and by mounting an aggressive legal defense. Every moment counts, so don’t hesitate to call today.