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Okabe & Haushalter

Chicago Bench Warrant Lawyer

There are different forms of warrants and a judge can use one of three reasons to issue a warrant including to obtain evidence, to search a suspect’s house and to arrest someone. Bench warrants can become more of a nuisance if not handled correctly. You may have a bench warrant issued in your name even if you have not committed a criminal offense. An arrest warrant is similarly ordered by a judge but it is not for violating court orders, it is for criminal offense charges.

Without the help of a bench warrant attorney, you may be arrested at any time. Trying to handle it on your own may make matters worse. You may be arrested at home, or while you are out with business colleagues; anywhere. If you speak with one of our attorneys today, we may be able to help you avoid the arrest and any negative consequences of the bench warrant.

Bench Warrant Lawyer In Chicago

A bench warrant can be issued when a defendant has posted a bond, is scheduled to appear in court but fails to do so. If you appear in court on your set date, you will not need to worry about a potential bench warrant. A criminal defense lawyer will be able to help you keep any court dates and can sometimes help to set them. The reason a judge can easily issue a bench warrant for failure to appear is that this is seen as you have no respect for the court or the judge. After a bench warrant is issued, law enforcement will locate and arrest the defendant. It is never a good idea to wait until law enforcement tracks you down. If you decide to do this, it could greatly jeopardize your future. Bench warrants may start from a minor violation but can quickly grow into a complex legal problem. After your arrest, you will be brought before a judge who will determine your punishment ranging from a “slap on the wrist” to having to remain in custody during the entirety of the case. You may also have your bond revoked which can be detrimental to your family, employment status and of course your freedom. If you have a bench warrant in your name, speak with an attorney from the firm today so that we can start helping you immediately. Even if you have already been arrested, there are still options available to you.

A witness to a crime can also be issued a bench warrant if they are subpoenaed and fail to appear. At Okabe & Haushalter, we are committed to providing our clients with excellent representation so that they can get through these difficult times with the least amount of stress and negative consequences.

Contact a Lawyer from the firm today.
The Chicago criminal defense attorneys at Okabe & Haushalter are ready to fight to tooth and nail for you.

Call For A Free Consultation

High-profile criminal defense cases deserve major league legal representation. The quality of your legal counsel can often make the difference between maintaining or losing your freedom. Do not take chances when it comes to choosing the right lawyer. To learn more about how our team of Chicago criminal defense attorneys can help, contact the legal team at Okabe & Haushalter and schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.