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Okabe & Haushalter

Chicago Street Gang Attorney

Chicago is notorious across the nation for its gang problem. However, there are several laws and ordinances that can be used to classify almost anyone as a gang member. A normal crime can be amplified if the court believes it was committed by a gang member. This will raise the stakes and add time to any potential sentence. We know what this means and as experienced street gang attorneys, we have the tools to create a powerful defense. Do not hesitate to contact our offices to schedule a case evaluation.

What is a Street Gang?

Gangs are hard to define but are commonly known as a group of juveniles who commit crimes together. This is a vague definition and there is a lot more that goes into being a gang member. Chicago Police Department defines a gang as the following, “A gang is an organized group with a recognized leader whose activities are either criminal or, at the very least, threatening to the community.“ There are recruitment methods that members use to bring in others. All members will wear their gang colors and have hand signals as well. This helps to identify rival and fellow gang members when in the streets. For various reasons, nicknames will be given to each member and graffiti will tag the gang’s territory. All gangs will participate in illegal activities and have a criminal record. Some have a record prior to joining a gang which makes a correlation of gangs difficult.

What Chicago is doing?

Chicago has attempted to enact several ordinances and statutes to prevent street gangs but due to vagueness, regular civilians are being affected. Specifically with the anti-loitering laws that have a major issue with vagueness. These laws prohibit the assembly of people on a sidewalk that would cause an annoyance to passerbys. The vagueness is a major issue with this statute because how do you determine annoyance, and how do you police officers determine your reason for being there. There are times where you are just walking down South River Drive and you run into a group of friends and you sit and chat. You have no reason to be there specifically but because of the anti-loitering laws, police can arrest you and charge you with a crime.

How Chicago street gang lawyers can help

Our firm offers powerful representation against any additional penalties you may be facing in correlation with alleged gang involvement. We have aggressive advocacy and the knowledge needed to defend your case. Our Chicago street gang attorneys have successfully defended clients throughout Chicago and the Chicagoland area. We have the ability to build a compelling defense. Having gang enhancements added to your charges is not only frustrating but also life-changing. You will be classified as a gang member for the rest of your life regardless of true affiliation. Public defenders are overworked and may not be able to provide the best representation possible. Your life is on the line and you need the best representation possible. Contact our law offices today for an initial consultation to discuss your options and begin building your case.