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Okabe & Haushalter

Marina Del Rey School Misconduct Attorney

Marina Del Rey School Misconduct Lawyer

Families entrust schools with seeing to their children during the school day, and with looking after their best interests while on campus. When that bond of trust is broken by school misconduct, it can never truly be reforged again. Families are left reeling in the aftermath of school misconduct, not knowing where they can turn for justice. If your loved one was a victim of school misconduct and wish to speak to a school misconduct lawyer in Marina Del Rey, the expert staff at Okabe and Haushalter can help you learn more about your options under the law and the process of filing a civil suit.

School misconduct defined

School misconduct can wear many faces. Abuse or harassment by staff or peers could be considered misconduct under both federal law and under the state of California’s civil codes, and schools may be held accountable in court if they are found to have been negligent in providing a safe environment for students to learn in.

Sexual misconduct by staff or fellow students

Sexual misconduct is not only something that takes place between teachers and students. Those students who are sexually abused by their peers while on campus may also be able to file a civil lawsuit for damages. Section 220 of California’s Education Code dictates that if a school is informed of repeated acts of sexual harassment or abuse perpetrated by one student against a peer the school does not take action to stop the abuse, the school may be held accountable in civil court for negligence.

Mandatory reporters who fail to report

Faculty members are obligated to report suspected (or known) abuse and negligence. If a teacher or other staff member of a school is aware of or suspects abuse or negligence taking place on campus and does not report their suspicions or knowledge to authorities, they may be found negligent in civil court.

Abuse and negligence toward disabled students

The ADA and IDEA dictate that students with disabilities be treated equally to their non-disabled peers while attending a learning institution. If a faculty member is abusive toward, neglectful toward, or conducts themselves in a way that impedes the rights of a disabled student, both the faculty member and the school may be sued for negligence and/or misconduct in a civil suit.

Okabe and Haushalter can help you file a civil suit

If you need a school misconduct lawyer in Marina Del Rey or elsewhere in Los Angeles county, the attorneys at Okabe and Haushalter can assist you with filing a civil suit. You deserve to get damages paid out to you for your family’s pain and suffering, and holding the school responsible in a civil courtroom is one way we can help you see justice done. Our goal is to get our clients the maximum monetary award possible under the law. We offer consultations to all potential clients at no charge, so don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about how we can help you by advocating for you in civil court.