Schools in California, like anywhere else in the United States, are expected to provide an environment that is conducive to student learning. Part of the pact that school staff enters into with parents when they become employed by a California school is the promise to take measures to keep students safe while they are on campus. Sadly, this promise is broken all too often and school misconduct can be to blame. If your child or other loved one has been mistreated while attending a Los Angeles County school, contact a school misconduct lawyer in El Segundo at Okabe and Haushalter. We can help you find out more about pursuing a civil court case in order to recover damages.
Students can be victimized in many ways, and the school or its staff members may be liable for the suffering they have undergone. Here are some examples of school misconduct:
When an adult staff member engages in sexual conduct with a student, it is considered an act of sexual misconduct. If other school staff were aware of the abuse and did not report it, or if insufficient measures were taken to ensure misconduct did not occur (like poor security measures, etc.), the school can be held liable for sexual misconduct perpetrated against your child and may be sued for damages in civil court.
If a school fails to provide reasonable measures to ensure the safety of the children who attend there, they could be found negligent in civil court. For example, if a maintenance staff member notices a leaking pipe threatening the integrity of the ceiling in a classroom or library and reports it to the principal of the school but the principal fails to take action to get the pipe repaired and ceiling damage remediated due to budget concerns, they could be liable for injuries suffered by students if the ceiling collapses.
Some of the most vulnerable students attending California schools are those with disabilities, and under the ADA schools are expected to provide these students with reasonable accommodations without hostility. However, if a teacher becomes exasperated with a student because of disruptive behavior and locks the student in a broom closet for the entire school day, thus depriving them of academic enrichment and potentially psychologically traumatizing them, this could be viewed as an act of gross negligent on the part of the teacher.
When you are ready to speak with a school misconduct lawyer in El Segundo, the attorneys at Okabe and Haushalter can assist you with your civil case. We will review all the facts surrounding the misconduct that led to your child’s victimization and fight hard for justice in the courtroom. As a victim, your family could be entitled to monetary compensation for the pain and suffering they have endured as a result of the school’s negligence. We offer free consultations to all our potential clients, so contact us today and take the first step toward moving forward with your life again.