Okabe & Haushalter
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Okabe & Haushalter

Beverly Hills Child Pornography Defense Attorney

In most instances, those charged with either possession or distribution of child pornography will face legitimate concerns since it is likely everyone will assume they are guilty. These concerns are ultimately justified because the conviction of this crime leads to severe penalties, while accusations alone can be extremely harmful to one’s reputation. At Okabe & Haushalter, our Beverly Hills child pornography defense attorneys have years of experience under their belts. All of our attorneys understand the impact these allegations can have on lives. For that reason alone, we fight such charges.

What Do I Do If I Have Been Arrested?

Child pornography accusations can undoubtedly turn any life upside down even before guilt has been proven. You need not worry though. You are never going into the fight alone. Granted, each claim is unique; Okabe & Haushalter’s attorneys know precisely what prosecutors need to convict one of a sex crime successfully. Furthermore, we can also prevent that from happening.

Suppose you have been arrested for possession or distribution of child pornography contact a Beverly Hills defense attorney now. You can schedule a free consultation to learn more about your legal options. Beverly Hills defense attorneys aggressively fight for our clients’ justice.

How We Guide You Through The Legal Process

Child pornography, or the displaying of a child under the age of 18 engaging in a sexual act, can be possessed and distributed by photographs, film, videotapes, computer programs, video games, or many other sources. There are two different types of child pornography charges, and they are, mentioned above, possession and distribution. Regardless of what you are charged for, they both have serious consequences.

Possession convictions usually result in prison time and hefty fines anywhere around $10,000 or more. Should you be convicted of distributing child pornography, you could very well be sentenced anywhere from 5 to 10 years in prison and pay fines upwards of $250,000.

You never want to underestimate the severity of a child pornography charge. Our defense attorneys represent your interests and guide you throughout the legal process. We suggest you give us a call today to put your mind at ease.

Contact Okabe & Haushalter Today to Schedule a Consultation

It is important to remember that you are innocent until proven guilty. It doesn’t work the other way around, even if it may seem so. It doesn’t matter what the crime is; you are entitled to legal rights and an attorney. You should never be denied the right to an attorney. Our clients deserve to know that we aim to negotiate and settle charges with your benefit in mind. We know what it takes to handle a child pornography claim successfully. Your reputation is on the line, so obtaining quality and respected support from legal counsel is necessary. A word of advice is to never entrust the rest of your life to a lesser legal counsel. Call the office of Okabe & Haushalter at 310-543-7708 to schedule an appointment with a Beverly Hills child pornography defense attorney today.