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Beverly Hills Molestation Victim Representation in Civil Court

Beverly Hills Molestation Victim Representation in Civil Court

The crime of molestation is one that can leave a long-lasting impact on its victims. People who have been molested may require years of therapy after the crime has taken place just to return to normal functioning, and they may end up suffering from post-traumatic stress for life. Even if the perpetrator of the crime against you is behind bars, you may feel that justice will never truly be served. That is where a molestation victim attorney in Beverly Hills can step in to help, and the legal team at Okabe and Haushalter are qualified to take on your case and get you the settlement you deserve as the victim of a terrible crime.

When is a civil case appropriate?

If a person or entity’s negligence paved the path for the perpetuation of the crime of molestation against you, they can be held liable in a civil lawsuit and may be ordered to pay out damages resulting from their negligence. For example, if you or someone close to you was molested while in a hospital by hospital staff members, the hospital could be considered negligent under certain circumstances, thus making them partially to blame for the crime. Some circumstances might include failure to thoroughly run a background check (for example, if the staff member who committed the molestation had prior convictions) or failure to provide sufficient security measures to ensure patient safety.

What a civil case can—and can not—do for you

Civil suits differ in several ways from criminal suits. In a criminal case, the court attempts to determine between the guilt or innocence of the alleged perpetrator. However, in a civil case, this is not the concern of the court. Rather, the court tries to determine if negligence was in some part to blame for the crime has taken place and if so, what damages should be awarded to the victim as such.

Documentation is key

Although it may be tempting to forget the crime perpetrated against you and simply move on with your life, it is important to document the crime and the negligence that gave rise to the crime in order to prime your case for a civil lawsuit. It is also important to keep a record of expenses resulting from the crime, such as medical and therapy bills as well as wages lost as a result of the crime.

Okabe and Haushalter can assist you in a civil suit

When you want to see justice done for the crimes committed against you or someone you care about, the experienced professionals at Okabe and Haushalter can help. If you live in the Los Angeles area and need a molestation victim civil attorney in Beverly Hills, contact us for a free consultation. We will dedicate ourselves to getting you the compensation you deserve and holding those responsible for the crime perpetrated against you accountable for their negligence. Contact today to find out how we can advocate for you in civil court.