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Okabe & Haushalter

Long Beach Sex Crimes Defense Attorney

Long Beach Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer

“Sex crimes” is an umbrella term used to refer to a variety of crimes outlined under the California Penal Code. Criminal offenses such as rape, sexual battery, and lewd and lascivious acts with a minor are all considered sex crimes, although each of these charges is governed by a different part of the law and comes with different penalties if a conviction is reached. Being charged with a sex crime can be a frightening experience, leading to alienation from family and friends as well as harsh legal penalties such as imprisonment or steep fines for convicted parties. If you need a sex crimes defense lawyer, the team at Okabe & Haushalter are here to help

California sex crime laws

Different parts of the California Penal Code govern different sex crimes, and the penalties if convicted of these crimes vary widely even if they are all grouped under the same blanket term.

Sexual battery

Sexual battery is a criminal offense that is outlined under California Penal Code Section 243.4 as unwanted touching of a sexual nature of any type. This could include touching another person’s body or compelling another person to touch your body. Depending on the circumstances in which the battery is alleged to have taken place, the sexual battery may be prosecuted as either a misdemeanor or a felony.


Under California Penal Code Section 261, rape is defined as sexual intercourse accomplished without mutual consent. The lack of consent could be overt, such as rape by force or threat. However, some individuals cannot legally give consent, such as intoxicated people, people under the age of 18 (statutory rape), or people with certain disabilities that affect judgment and cognition. Anyone who has intercourse with one of these individuals could face rape charges, even if verbal consent was given prior to the intercourse taking place. Anyone convicted of rape could face incarceration in state prison as a penalty.

Our attorneys can take on all types of sex crime cases

As criminal defense specialists, we are familiar with the laws governing all types of sex crimes, and we have a solid history of providing excellent defense for our clients in court. Some of the kinds of sex crime cases we can handle include:

  • Molestation
  • Lewd acts with a minor
  • Sexual battery
  • Sexual assault
  • Indecent exposure

Potential Defenses for Sex Crimes

It is vital that you seek out the compassionate and nonjudgmental counsel of our Long Beach sex crimes defense attorneys as soon as possible after being arrested or indicted with a sex crime. There are several defense strategies that might apply in your case, so the sooner you get started formulating your defense against the charges you face, the better the outcome of your case.

Some of the most common defenses that might be true in your case include:

  • You were somewhere else at the time of the crime. Sometimes it is enough to show that you have a solid alibi with corroborating witnesses that place you elsewhere at the time the crime was committed.
  • You were misidentified as the perpetrator. In this type of situation, DNA evidence may be called into question to exonerate you.
  • The sexual act between you and the accused was consensual.
  • The accuser purported to be older than he/she really was at the time of the sex act.

Penalties for Sex Crime Conviction

It is important for all defendants accused of sex crimes in the state of California to understand the penalties that they may face if convicted. Obviously, incarceration in prison is on the table, along with hefty fines that are generally levied with a conviction. In addition, convicted persons are required to register with sex offender registries that will follow them wherever they go as long as registration requirements are in place (which may be for life).

Being a convicted felon or a convicted sex offender can both be detrimental to finding gainful employment, continuing education, or even finding a place to live. The stigma that comes with a sex crimes conviction can truly haunt you for the rest of your life. Having the right defense attorney in place can be a godsend when facing such serious offenses.

Okabe & Haushalter can defend you against sex crime charges in court

If you need a sex crimes defense lawyer in Long Beach, contact the attorneys at Okabe & Haushalter to find out more about your legal options. Our team of knowledgeable and competent defense attorneys can help you fight the charges against you in court, and may be able to reduce stacked charges to a single charge via a plea bargain and reduce your sentence if convicted. We are known for our straightforward defense tactics that get solid results for our clients, and for providing them with nothing less than courtroom excellence. Call now for a free case evaluation.

Being charged with a sex crime can be a scary, frustrating, and humiliating event. However, you are not alone. At Okabe & Haushalter, our Long Beach sex crimes attorneys want to help you get through this horrific chapter in your life, and we understand the nuances of criminal law from both sides of the aisle, having experience in prosecutorial matters in the past. Contact us for a free consultation of your case today by clicking here or calling 310-543-7708.