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Parolee Goes Back To Jail After Cutting Off Monitoring Device

Okabe & Haushalter Feb 18, 2010 Probation/Parole Violations

A parolee is back in police custody after sawing off his ankle monitoring bracelet, which constitutes a parole violation.

Jonathan Schwartz allegedly sawed off the bracelet while riding on a commuter bus. Police was alerted when another passenger found the device and brought it to the Burbank police station. According to police the bracelet showed obvious signs of being cut with some type of sharp tool.

The police found Schwartz at a home in the Burbank area and brought him into custody, where he remains without bail.

Schwartz, a registered sex offender, was ordered to wear the device for past sexual assault charges and narcotics violations.

Any type of parole or probation violation can land you back in hot water. If you have recently been arrested for violating your parole or probation, a Los Angeles criminal defense attorney at Okabe & Haushalter can help. During an initial consultation we can review the facts your case to determine which defense strategies would be most effective, and then ensure they are aggressively applied to your case.

To set up a consultation with an attorney at Okabe & Haushalter please call 310-543-7708 today!