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More Than $100,000 In Forged Checks

Okabe & Haushalter May 21, 2012 Fraud

A recent audit revealed that almost $100,000 was given to the head of the Los Angeles Trade Tech college foundation in phony checks. These apparent forgeries were revealed after an audit released this Monday. Handwriting experts claim that the president of the foundation’s signature appears to be falsified on dozens of checks made out to a former official of the Los Angeles Trade Tech college foundation. The same official was involved in several other forged documents, including a bonus agreement and contract.

Earlier this year, the same official was accused of spending tens of thousands of dollars on recreational activities – such as lunch and golf outings – from the money that was supposed to be given to students in need. The questionable documents include a $22,000 yearly bonus, $1,500 monthly car allowance, and $2,000 a month for the official to run a youth orchestra. The Los Angeles County District Attorney has begun to investigate. The audit is surrounded by controversy and uncertainty – the official’s attorney claims that the findings are ridiculous, while the foundation holds that of the $137,000 in checks that the president of the foundation did not sign, approximately $100,000 of it was made out to the same official.