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Los Angeles Hospital Director Facing Child Pornography Charges

Okabe & Haushalter Aug 15, 2019 Child Pornography

Getting charged with any crime is a scary time for the person being accused. In the US, all people accused of crimes are innocent until proven otherwise, but with certain charges, that presumption seems to have been thrown out the window. At Okabe & Haushalter, we believe in the accused’s right to a vigorous defense. Today, our Los Angeles child pornography defense lawyers want to discuss a recent case that has made news in our area.

What is happening in this case?

We have learned that the director of artificial intelligence medicine at Cedars-Sinai hospital has bee charged with distributing and possessing child pornography. The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office is handling the prosecution of the case.

Guido Germano, 59, of Santa Monica has been accused of using peer-to-peer software to download child pornography to his computer at home.

  • Peer-to-peer sharing bypasses a web browser.

Germano pleaded not guilty to the charges at his arraignment. Germano was arrested on June 19 and released on a $20,000 bond. The judge imposed two conditions on Germano’s bond:

  • No internet usage unless the device is equipped with accountability software
  • No unsupervised time with a minor

Germano’s official charges are:

The maximum sentence Germano could receive for these felony charges is three years and eight months in prison.

You need to fight charges like this

In this case, like most other cases involving child pornography or sex crimes involving minors, it has been plastered on the news. It is very difficult for someone facing these charges to be treated fairly, even though there should be a presumption of innocence.

Anyone facing child pornography charges needs to secure an attorney immediately. The quicker a knowledgeable and experienced lawyer can get to work, the better. The penalties for being found guilty of child pornography charges go far beyond the minimum prison sentences. In most cases, a guilty verdict will mean a lifetime registration requirement on the sex offender registry. This can significantly impact a person’s life, including where they are able to live. A criminal record like this could lead to a person struggling to get a job.

In many cases, federal authorities will investigate and prosecute people because nearly all child pornography charges involve the internet – an area where the federal government has full authority.

Let us get to work on your case immediately

If you or someone you love has been charged with a sex crime, you need to secure legal assistance immediately. At Okabe & Haushalter, we will get to work on your case immediately. Our knowledgeable and experienced team will investigate all aspects of your case. We will listen to your story, analyze the evidence being used against you, and work diligently to get the charges reduced or dismissed. We will ensure you are treated fairly throughout the entire process. When you need a Los Angeles child pornography defense attorney, you can contact us today by calling at 310-543-7708 for a free consultation.