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California Attempts To Ban Sex Offenders From Using Social Networking Sites

Okabe & Haushalter May 29, 2010 Child Pornography, Criminal Defense, Internet Sex Crimes

In the city of Sacramento, proposed legislation that would have banned sexual offenders from using social networking sites, like Facebook, has died in an Assembly committee.

This Friday, it is reported that the Assembly Appropriations Committee held two Democratic bills on the issue due to cost concerns.  In order to be considered by the entire assembly, the legislation needed the committee’s approval.

Assemblywoman Cathleen Galgiani told news sources that if it had passed, the legislation would have prohibited sex offenders from using the internet to communicate with minors via social networking sites.  The measure would have also cut down on sexual offenders accessing pornography, but would have cost $20 million a year to implement in California.

Have you been charged with a sex crime in Los Angeles?  If so, your best option is to consult with a Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer who has handled numerous other sex crime cases, like the lawyers at Okabe & Haushalter. Contact our law office today to get the legal advice and representation you need to fight your sex crime charges!