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Retaliation or Spite? : Child Abuse Accusations

Okabe & Haushalter Dec 14, 2018 child Abuse Defense

Getting divorced is incredibly stressful, financially exhausting, and completely life-altering. Whether you are the initiator or not, divorce, like an accident, isn’t really something that you plan for. We all know that the United States has an average of 40-50% of marriages ending in divorce. It is not an uncommon practice, which is what reaffirms our land of liberty theme in America. But, we know that divorces can get really messy, especially if you have children.

Child custody and visitation battles can literally turn into battles. There are countless reasons why one parent thinks that they are better for their children than the other. However, what ends up happening is the parents conflate the hate they have for each other and leaks into their arguments over custody. It is common for a parent to accuse another parent of abhorrent behavior in order to sway a judge’s opinion. These accusations go from alcohol and drug abuse to domestic violence and finally to an accusation that is completely deplorable: child abuse.

Sometimes looking to celebrity marriages can help you get some perspective because, after all, celebrities are human too. And there is no better way to see them being human than looking through their messy divorce situation. Tyrese Gibson is a singer/songwriter famous for songs like “Sweet Lady” and “What Am I Gonna Do”. He topped the charts in the early 2000s. He caught some more media attention when he was facing custody issues with his ex Norma Gibson. After only a 10 month marriage, Tyrese and Norma are the poster children for a contentious and ugly custody battle over their 10-year-old daughter. The final blow was when Norma accused Tyrese of child abuse and domestic abuse. Tyrese obviously stated that he was not guilty of such accusations. After countless meetings with social services regarding his interactions with their daughter which resulted in no charges because nothing was discovered.

Unfortunately, this is kind of behavior is not uncommon. When it comes to fighting for children’s custody, nothing is off the table. Your ex may choose to sling some mud, but when they start falsely accusing you of child abuse then you need a bigger and stronger army than the one you have. Our Los Angeles child abuse defense attorneys at Okabe & Haushalter are here to help you. When we meet with clients we do not assume anyone is guilty just because you are looking for defense attorneys. As we see from the Tyrese custody battle, we know that people can turn ugly if things are starting to go their way. We promise to engage with you one on one and ensure that you get the best expert advice on what to do with your case. Call 310-543-7708 or click here to start your free case evaluation today. We want to hear your story and help clear your name. Don’t try to fight this negativity alone. Our Child Abuse Attorneys are here to do all the defending.