Okabe & Haushalter
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Okabe & Haushalter

Palo Alto Molestation Victim Representation

Being victimized by an abuser is an experience that often haunts a survivor for the rest of their lives. The confusion that arises over the trauma of being abused in this way can lead to a form of psychological implosion, resulting in life-altering traumatic stress that changes you forever. Many molestation survivors require years of exhaustive therapy in order to recover from the abuse they suffered enough that they can be functional in their daily lives. Too many survivors choose to suffer in silence rather than seek legal justice for the harm that was done to them—but you do not have to be one of them. If you want to discuss your case with a molestation victim lawyer in Palo Alto, contact Okabe & Haushalter to become more informed about your rights and legal options as a survivor.

The wounds no one sees

Many molestation survivors are plagued by the damage their abuser did to them for years, even decades after the abuse took place. Such abuse can result in lifelong changes, with too many victims ending up with post-traumatic stress disorder because of their abuse. The symptoms of this disorder can be debilitating, making it difficult to lead anything close to resembling a normal life and, for those who do seek therapy to deal with their trauma, the bills can stack up fast. Despite the fact that molestation rarely leaves any physical scars, it all too often results in wounds that no one can see.

Abusers can be held liable in a court

If you were the victim of molestation, your abuser may be held liable in civil court for the harm that came about due to their abusive actions. As a survivor, you have the right to seek out the recovery of damages in the civil courts, and our attorneys can assist you with this effort. Damages are assessed by the courts based on factors such as therapy costs, lost quality of life, and emotional distress caused by the abuse that was suffered. These damages may then be paid out to the victim as financial compensation, and while no amount of money can undo the harm that was done to you, the closure that can come from seeing justice done in the courtroom can help you take another step toward healing.

Okabe & Haushalter can help you get justice

You have suffered in silence for long enough, and now it is time for your voice to be heard. Contact Okabe & Haushalter if you need a molestation victim lawyer in Palo Alto. We are experienced litigators known for providing every one of our clients with courtroom excellence, and we want to help you get the closure you deserve. The person who victimized you should be held accountable for the damage they caused, and we can help make sure they are held liable in the court of law. You may be entitled to recover damages in the form of cash compensation, and we will work hard to get you the maximum award available under the law. Call today for your free consultation.